Friday, March 9, 2012

No rest!

Okay, so I haven't decided what program I want to be following just now so instead I'm doing a bit of a mash up and I'll see what sticks. I did level one of Yoga Meltdown with the intention of doing level two directly after it, but my knee is giving me trouble and I don't want to end up with an injury that grounds me altogether so after level one I took a bit of a breather. After several hours I gave Six Week 6-Pack  a go and holy hell, am I sweaty mess right now! I read that the intention is to end up doing level one and two back to back on this one as well, so I went ahead and did that even though this was my first go at it! I figure with all the ab work I've been doing already, it couldn't hurt. Well, it does hurt but not in a negative way :) I did have to do some alternate cardio moves during all the lunge sequences though. I wish I could afford some time with a personal trainer to talk about more appropriate alternate moves when my knees are messing up but I guess for now, I'll just have to do whatever comes to me. I figure it's more important to just keep moving than to be doing the exact moves she's doing anyway. It's all calorie burning and I try not to exchange them with too easy of moves.

Here in a little bit, I'm going to jump on the elliptical for an hour or so as well for good measure. I love the elliptical. It seems like people either love it or they hate it. It seems every time I go to the gym with a buddy, they tell me I annoy them on the elliptical! Ha! I just love it though. I'm able to absolutely zone out and just hit it. Plus it's got an amazing calorie burning payout and, uh, I might have gotten in a fight with my brother and eaten Cadbury Creme Eggs whilst pouting about it. Yeah, see. I'm far, far, far from perfect.